It is a well-known fact that the major peak in heroin addiction in the US came by the hand of 20% of the soldiers coming back from the Vietnam War. Since then, with or without all the following wars we have faced, a disturbing report commissioned by the Office of National Drug Control Policy estimate that more than 1.5 million Americans are “chronic heroin users” today.
With such an epidemic problem, the outdated methods practiced at conventional rehab centers provide a very poor and temporary solution. The philosophies and methods practiced at various heroin abuse treatment centers are not the same.
To truly end such a serious, life threatening problem, a heroin addiction treatment regimen must consider all of the core problems that cause a person to become an addict in the first place. By simply applying a cookie cutter drug detox regimen or getting them to avoid it for a short period of time does not solve the real problem. This approach often leads to relapse or even death. This is not the approach that we take at our high end rehab “The Holistic Sanctuary”. We understand addiction, because we have experienced it first hand, and we understand that recovery has to be comprehensive, wholesome, safe, clean and especially healthy.
At The Holistic Sanctuary holistic rehab centers, our goal is to heal all of our patients permanently, which is an objective we take very seriously. Drug addictions must be treated individually, because there are individual problems that have differing causes from person to person.
Heroin addiction is a serious, deep rooted problem, with serious underlying causes that must be addressed. At our private drug rehab, we know that it is impossible to beat this dangerous addiction by simply replacing it with another drug. We think the mediocre treatments offered by conventional drug rehabs for such a life threatening disease are horrible. At our private rehab we want to heal people for good. We have been there, and we know how hard it is to beat a heroin addiction.
Treatments like methadone simply offer addicts a new, different addiction, but one that is still dangerous. We treat our patients in a healthy way, with great care and devotion. Unlike most conventional rehab or detox centers, our luxury rehab treats patients in a completely natural way, addressing the psychological and emotional scars.
At The Holistic Sanctuary, our drug rehab uses many harmless, natural and effective methods such as our hyperbaric chambers, energy healing, wholesome organic foods, fresh made cleansing juices, relaxing massages, organic coffee enemas and our exclusive IV drip that fires up a natural production of neurotransmitters to effectively heal the damaged brain caused by the heroin abuse.
We understand that each patient is unique, with individual problems, and that’s why our heroin addiction treatment protocol “The Pouyan Method” is designed to treat every person on a One on One basis, instead of having group meetings from morning to night.
Heroin addiction can be deadly, and is a tough addiction to break, but with our holistic approach we have successfully proven that healing is possible, and most importantly, without the struggles and withdrawals that conventional rehab centers claim is part of the process.
While the typical treatment methods involving 12 step programs where you admit you have no control over your destiny and are afflicted with a disease that is treated with more chemicals still exists, it has proved to be less than effective for many, causing relapses of addiction to heroin. Ibogaine treatments allow you to break free of that cycle by offering you a way out. Ibogaine is a natural substance that works to help your body curb and control the cravings you have for opiates while at the same time greatly reducing or even eliminating the harsh withdrawal symptoms that are typical of standard detox methods. Most people find that with Ibogaine treatment they can be rid of their addiction in a matter of days and with just one treatment.
When you opt for an Ibogaine treatment to your addiction you are choosing a holistic rehab approach to your treatment. The detox and rehab you undergo not only involves the use of the Ibogaine treatment but you will also work with a staff of professionals that customize your care to fit you personally and combine luxury rehab counseling methods along with diet, personal training and exercise, meditation and more to help you not just identify what the cause of your addiction has been but how to conquer your fears and overcome the addiction and put it behind you.
Heroin Ibogaine treatment has been used by thousands over the years and has proven to be effective. If you are seeking help in overcoming a heroin addiction and have not had success with traditional methods or do not believe the usual 12 step program is going to work for you, seek out this holistic high end drug rehab approach that makes use of a complete and customized program so that you can gain control over the direction of your life.