Phencyclidine or PCP addiction is deadly. PCP can cause hallucinations, mental confusion and delusions. People addicted to PCP think that they are alienated from the world. PCP addicts feel that the mind is detached from the body. The physical and mental effects of PCP include memory loss, coma, body parts impairment and circulatory damage. The addiction to PCP also causes high blood pressure, unconsciousness and death. PCP users, therefore, need help for them to stop putting their lives at risk. When the patient is put in a holistic drug rehab program, he can recover from PCP abuse and live a normal life henceforth.
In many drug abuse recovery centers, Ibogaine treatment is used to make the patients forget dependency on PCP. The effectiveness of Ibogaine in the rehabilitation of PCP users is attributed to its ability to clear the patient’s memories.
See also: Ibogaine Treatment for Methadone addiction
The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that about 122,000 Americans are suffering from the chronic effects of PCP. Withdrawal from PCP may lead to nausea, persistent sweating, convulsions, depressions, mood swings, anger, paranoia and pain.
The best holistic drug rehab treatment for PCP addicts is detoxing their bodies and following up the detox formula with comprehensive counseling. The rehabilitation must aim at helping the PCP abuse patient leave the abuse habits. However, addiction to PCP is not easy to eliminate using conventional methods as the patient is already heavily dependent on the drug. By relying on Ibogaine, the patient starts a new life since the holistic drug rehab program will have modified the patient’s life to the pre-PCP past.
In order to leave no room for a return to PCP abuse, a holistic drug rehab formula needs to be adapted. The recovery center from which the patient is getting rehabilitation should support the addict to stop abusing PCP and start living a non-addictive future.
Ibogaine is a powerful and natural extract from West African shrub called Tabernanthe iboga. The shrub has both spiritual and medicinal qualities for the indigenous users. When taken as PCP rehabilitation therapy, Ibogaine immediately sets off the PCP patients on a journey into their past. The sojourn into the past makes the patient remember a normal and non-abusive life. The spiritual journey activated by Ibogaine has both physical healing and mental re-engineering effects. The PCP user will often go into sleep after taking ibogaine. When he wakes up, he does not have any desire for PCP.