If you are reading this, you may have heard about Johnny Tabaie from a friend or loved one. You have probably also heard powerful life changing events that have happened at Johnny’s world class luxury rehab Sanctuary. The truth is that Johnny (JTH) has healed people from all walks of life and those who are suffering from all forms of life threatening issues. Issues such as Drug Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, PTSD, Depression, Trauma and Medication Abuse but it doesn’t stop there! If you read through our website and watch our testimonials you will see even Heroin Addiction is being cured here and it’s done with ease! We can’t stress enough how easy it is to end addiction to drugs! Johnny has it down to a science. Real healing, no cookie cutter style, no 12 step meetings, or outdated ineffective ideas like prescribing toxic medications to our guests. Lets face it, if that stuff worked they wouldn’t have a lousy 3-5% success rate. The Reason why we are different is because we use Super Foods, Super Plants, Advanced Alternative Medicine, and holistic therapies to get these life changing results.
The secret Pouyan Method; this powerful protocol was created by our founder Johnny Tabaie. He created this out of his desperation to save his own life. After 17 failed conventional 12 step rehabs and a bunch of so called experts who just prescribed toxic medications. Johnny realized this nasty slew of medicine was making him worse and the side-effects were just outweighing the benefits. So he took his health into his own hands and created a system that not only cured himself 10 years ago, but has systematically cured close to a thousand people in just 6 years.
With all the videos, testimonials and reviews from his patients, the US government still refuses to look into supporting his work and has banned it from America. Until more people speak up and demand real healing and real drug treatment that works, we may never see Johnny The Healer’s work in U.S. healing centers.
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